Friday, July 10, 2009

Yikes - Poll Numbers To Make You Pause

At a conference sponsored by the Food and Drug Law Institute (FDLI) and American Association for the Advancement of Sciences (AAAS), the audience of medical professionals were polled for their thoughts on the safety of genetic testing.
Here are some results that struck me:
75% responded “yes” to “Do you have concerns about the ability of the FDA to regulate genetic testing?”
71% believed that the FDA should be regulating genetic testing more stringently, including the lab-developed testing discussed above.
50% were somewhat skeptical that their own doctors knew enough about genetics to incorporate it into their personalized medicine practice, while another 28% said there was “not a chance” that their own doctors knew enough. Only two percent were “very confident” in their doctors. This number is particularly staggering given top medical professionals likelihood of having top personal doctors. I imagine the numbers would be even more drastic for “the average doctor.”

Reuters Article Citing Poll Numbers:

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